When the long, cold…

Winterizing Your Garden and Landscape; A To-Do List

Winterizing Your Garden and Landscape; A To-Do List


When the long, cold winter begins approaching in October it is a good idea to start your winter projects. I have heard many gardening enthusiasts lamenting the fact that they never give themselves enough time to complete their projects before the long snowy seasons hits. So here is a list (in no way is this comprehensive!) of projects and things to think about before the snow hits.

  • It is a good idea to add 2”-3” of mulch around your trees and shrubs to protect their roots from the temperature change.
  • Remember to water your lawn and plants into the fall to help saturate the ground with water.
  • Call LawnScapes to inquire about our Fall Lawn Fertilizing Programs. Remove annuals from their planting beds and add any healthy plants to the compost pile.
  • Discard any diseased annuals. Clean up and weed the annual beds. It is a good idea to turn over the soil to allow it to lay fallow over the winter. Have your soil tested so that improvements can be planned over the winter.
  • Split your bulbs, perennials, and replant Remove your summer bulbs and replace them with spring-blooming ones. When raking leaves add them to your compost pile.
  • Shred them if possible to speed up their decomposition. Prepare your pots for spring planting. Remove the soil and plants. Make sure to scrub and sterilize your pots thoroughly.
  • Dry carefully and store in a dry place to prevent them from cracking over the winter.
  • Clean up your garden tools before storing them. Any gas-powered equipment you will not be using drain the gas, change the oil and perform any regular maintenance before storing.
  • Be sure to remove and store your rubber hoses so that they do not split and dry out. It is also a good idea to blow them out with an air compressor if you have access to one.
  • Think about bringing in your inside plants. Be sure to adjust them to the warmer environment gradually by leaving them in your garage for a couple of hours a day.
  • Also, check them thoroughly for bugs and other pests. Good idea to consider applying a sealer to your paver patio, walkway, or drive to protect it from salt and the freeze/thaw.
  • Consider trimming evergreens (such as Arborvitaes) susceptible to damage from snow loads. You can either trim and thin the branches (very selectively) or tie the plant up to hold the stems upright.
  • Spraying plants with an anti-desiccant will protect them from drying out in the persistent wind we receive in Southeastern, Pennsylvania.
  • The anti-desiccant spray is a waxy coating that protects the foliage from drying out. Wrapping plants in burlap can also help protect foliage from wind damage and burn.